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By participating in the Freezer Challenge, you are helping to increase space via removal of unneeded or unviable samples from cold storage units. Increased space can lead to increased efficiency and less struggle when searching for a sample. This allows for improved researcher access and security for viable samples. Freezer clean-outs conducted in labs at UC Davis and the CDC indicate that 10-30% of items stored in refrigeration units are no longer needed or no longer viable. Improve this statistic through proper cleaning and sample inventory throughout the competition. Inventories further reduce the likelihood of misplaced samples and improves sample access speed. 

Advanced search features, configurable sample types, QR and bar code sample identification make your -80C storage more efficient, reducing wasted space and door open time to save time and money.

Keeping an inventory on file "allows for reduction in time spent locating samples, and shorten freezer door opening times, thereby increasing equipment efficiency and workflow." 

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