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Urbana Champaign

2018 Freezer Challenge Highlights
In 2018, the University of Illinois came in 1st place in the International Freezer Challenge competition.
Due to their amazing efforts, the 2018 University of Illinois team members were published in Nature Magazine, Lab Management Magazine, and the S-Labs Short List. Additionally, Illinois was awarded a plaque for gaining the title of 2018 Organizational Winner.
Our top four labs were awarded gift certificates to high-end dining establishments in the Champaign-Urbana area, as well as Certificates in Leadership in Sustainable Lab Practices.
As a whole, the labs that participated in 2018 saved 720kWh/day, amounting to 262,600kWh annually. This was enough energy to power 25 U.S. standard homes.

2018 Group Photo

2018 Award Plaque

2018 Group Photo
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